Healthsure Medical Centres are committed to providing consumers with a fair and responsive system for handling and resolving complaints. You have a right to complain and to have your complaint handled efficiently. We believe that receiving a complaint provides us with an opportunity to improve the services we deliver to you and maintain your confidence in our services.

If at any time you wish to lodge a complaint in respect of the handling, use or disclosure of your personal information HealthSure Medical centre you may notify us of your complaint via email to:

[email protected] (For instances relating to HealthSure Kotara)
[email protected] (For instances relating to HealthSure Jesmond)
[email protected] (For instances relating to HealthSure Fletcher)

We will endeavour to investigate and advise you of the outcome of your complaint within a timely manner.
If the complaint remains unresolved, then an individual can contact:

NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Mail Bag 18, STAWBERRY HILLS NSW 2012

Phone: 1800 043 159 OR

Online complaints can be lodged by visiting